Gesture Recognition
for Interactive Control and Data Input.

Billboards, Window Displays, Indoor & Outdoor,
Works with LED Walls, Plasma/LED/LCD Screens, Projection, Holograms
adjustable min and max working distance – 20 cm to 10 m.


We create interactive content for billboards and window displays or holograms
The applications offer wide range of choices such as
– interactive games
– virtual product information
– virtual catalogues
– virtual museums
– virtual shopping


Beyond the interactivity, we provide tools for interaction analysis and statistics by dynamically detecting consumer responses to advertisements in real time. This analytic data provides retailers and advertisers with new insights into consumer preferences, which allows for more precise marketing and advertising, leading to increased sales performance and brand loyalty.

With our tools, the advertiser receives direct feedback about the exact interest of the customers regarding the advertised message: the number of passers-by, the attention paid, the pages visited (if it’s about a catalogue viewed), the most popular items viewed, the gender definition etc.


Most similar solutions are Kinect based and hence limited to around 1.5 meters distance and indoor conditions only.

Our professionally developed technology of camera sensors allows multi person interaction at large venues and regardless the weather conditions. Furthermore, in contrast to Kinect 3D scanning system, we offer a passive gesture recognition system, with absolutely no emission, which allows to use several devices in the systems for more advanced set ups without creating interference.

Contact us to receive product details and arrange for demonstration.

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