Make Wedding Memorable

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Plan A


  •  5 Photos
  •  1 Videos

Plan B


  •  5 Photos
  •  1 Video

Plan C


  • 5 photos
  • 2 Video

What do we offer…


What is 3D Cake Mapping?

3D Cake Mapping is based on a projection method that use a cake, which is 1.2 meter high, as a surface instead of screens. When an animation is projected on this object, it turns it into a 3D model creating an interactive display.

Are you available on my wedding date?

Depends on your date. Please get in touch with us as soon as possible with your date and we will confirm availability.

Do you have plans for us to choose?

Of coures we do! Please chack ” Plans ” for further informations.

How do we reserve this service?

Please leave your information at the end of the page and we will get in touch as soon as possible.

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